Friday, November 28, 2014

big boy tomato

Fruit size: 16 to 32 oz Matures: 78 days after planting Plant size: 6 to 10 feet Spacing: 36 inches apart Plant type: Indeterminate The name, Big Boy, is easy to remember and so is the flavor. This is a big, sandwich-type slicer with smooth, bright red fruit and a flavor that everybody likes. It bears heavily in mid-season, yet the indeterminate vines continue fruiting (though not as heavily) until frost. Plants in our Alabama test garden, where conditions are excellent, have yielded 100 tomatoes each through a 10-week harvest season. Long vines need staking, or grow the plant in a tall cage. Resistant to cracking. Nutrition Facts 1 cup sliced raw red tomatoes: Calories: 32 Carbohydrates: 7g Dietary fiber: 2g Sugars: 5g Protein: 2g Vitamin A: 30% DV Vitamin C: 38% Vitamin K: 18% Vitamin B6: 7% Folate: 7% Potassium: 12% Manganese: 10% Nutritional Information The red tomato is listed on most nutritional lists as a superfood. It is packed with the antioxidant vitamins A and C, potassium and the B vitamins for heart health, and above all a powerful carotenoid called lycopene. This phytonutrient, which is responsible for the bright red color of tomatoes, has been studied for its role in fighting various cancers, and its ability to lower cholesterol. When tomatoes are cooked, even more lycopene is made available. Lycopene has been shown to be especially effective when eaten with fat-rich foods such as avocado, olive oil, or nuts. There are the ingredients for a powerhouse salad!


Fruit size: 7 oz Matures: 72 days Plant spacing: 36 inches apart Plant size: 6 to 8 feet tall Plant type: Indeterminate Lemon Boy hybrid is an eye-catching tomato with wonderful color and flavor. The deep globe fruit is slightly tangy, but also sweet and mild, meaty, and smooth—perfect for slicing. Adds visual interest to the garden! Vines grow rather tall, so be sure to stake or cage the plant. Nutrition Facts 1 cup chopped raw yellow tomatoes: Calories: 21 Carbohydrates: 4g Dietary fiber: 1g Protein: 1g Vitamin C: 21% DV Folate: 10% Niacin: 8% Potassium: 10% Manganese: 8% Copper: 7% Nutritional Information Yellow tomatoes have valuable amounts of beta-carotene, the pigment that gives orange and yellow tomatoes their color and helps neutralize free radicals that may damage our cells. Besides a good dose of vitamin C, yellow tomatoes have more niacin and folate than other tomatoes and offer a good level of potassium, important for regulating blood pressure, nerve function, and muscle control.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Ashley purdy

he love his girls, and boobs, makeing love to them he is a nice person to talk to and really funny and love his fashion inc, music for bvb. he is a great singer in the world i love to heard him sing,

Monday, November 3, 2014

Thursday, April 24, 2014


extra jumbo sized white onions have golden brown skin with mild flavor. A popular type for home gardening.Harvest in about 110 days. sow in average soil in full sun after danger of frost in spring,In frost-free areas, sow in fall. sow thinly in rows 12'' apart and cover with 1/4'' of fine soil. firm lightly and keep evenly moist. seedlings emerge in 7-14 days. thin to stand 3'' apart when seedlings are 1-2'' high.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Asian eggplant

Asian eggplant is slender, lavender to purple fruits, up to 12 hang in clusters of up 20 fruits per plant. you planting in may to june, start indoors in a warm, wellighted area 8-10 weeks before last frost. sow need in seed starting formula in individual containers. sow 14 deeps, firmlightly and keep evenly moist, seedlings emerge in 10-21 days. they harvest in 83 days and the space them about 3-4ft depth 1/4 in deep in the ground.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

blueberry on face


Sunday, January 26, 2014


morgantown code -enforce-ment officers hit the streets thursday to remind prpoperty owners, business owners and landlords of their responsibil-ing snow it comes to removeing snow and the ice from side- walks and driveways. the snows was around 8 inches in morgantown last time it snow this time people dont known how many inches now they lost count there was alot of car crash with people last saturday it was 24 inches we are covering form last tuesday storm and it want stop snow school have not ben runing form last monday then ather that school was close now end of the month jan 26 2014 that how long school was out because form this snow storm does school have to make it up or not we dont hope not we have to make it up.


here are three thing about jordan frankhouser he love girls and really love for wheeler and he love hit on girls too and he love make love to people to girl freind.


The period is a woman's monthly bleeding cycle and is the body's way of shedding the uterine lining if pregnancy doesn't occur. Normal menstruation occurs monthly and lasts on average 3-7 days. Unpleasant symptoms generally accompany the vaginal bleeding associated with a menstrual period. The following list explains common symptoms. Lower abdominal cramps are common and can be intense. The uterus is a large muscular organ and the process of shedding the uterine lining can result in dull pain or more sharp, intense and cramping pain. Some women are debilitated during the menses due to the severity of symptoms. Breast Tenderness. The hormonal fluctuations result in breast swelling and tenderness. The breast tissue is highly sensitive to hormone levels and soreness is not uncommon. Mood Swings. As the hormone levels surge prior to the period, many women experience mood changes including irritability, anxiety, anger and even crying episodes. Acne. Teens and young women are prone to acne breakouts due to the rise and fall of hormones during the menstrual cycle. Pain. A variety of pain syndromes are related to the menstrual cycle. Muscle pain and backaches are common. Some experience more frequent migraine headaches during their period. Food Cravings. Craving to a variety of foods can occur during the premenstrual and menstrual phase. Some crave sweets and high calorie foods, while others crave salty foods and snacks. Other Period Symptoms include excessive fatigue and lack of drive to accomplish even normal daily tasks. Some women with underlying psychiatric disorders experience an increase in symptoms during their menses. Pelvic Pressure. This occurs due to the fullness of the uterus and also engorgement of the pelvic veins is believed to contribute to this sensation. Water Retention. Hormonal shifts results in bloating and water retention. It is common to note swelling of the fingers and ankles. Backache. The low back can feel achy and tired during menses. Muscle aches in general are also reported. Headache and Fatigue. Migraines and other headache types frequently flare during migraines. Fatigue and malaise accompany premenstrual and menstrual periods. Difficulty Concentrating. Cognitive disruption is common. Mood swings and difficulty focusing on tasks is part of the symptom complex associate with the menstrual cycle. PMS is a constellation of unpleasant symptoms and can vary in severity from person to person. Causes Hormonal fluctuations are the main force in causing PMS symptoms. Diet and lifestyle also play a role. Obese women may be prone to more hormonal issues than younger healthy counterparts. Symptoms Physical symptoms. The physical symptoms that occur in the premenstrual time just before the onset of the menses can be very similar to those that occur during actual menstruation. It is reported that 75% of women experience physical symptoms such as breast tenderness, fatigue, abdominal and pelvic cramping, back pain and muscle aches. These symptoms tend to reach their peak during the 20-30's and then taper off with age. The physical symptoms tend to be predicable from month-to-month. Emotional and Behavioral Symptoms. Depression, irritability, fatigue and poor concentration are common symptoms. A more severe form called premenstrual dysphoric disorder causes debilitation symptoms every month. Anger, anxiety and feelings of hopelessness are notable with this disorder. Some women will have a coexisting psychiatric disorder and seeking professional help is warranted. A variety of options exist to treat the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. A combined approach of seeking medical advice, diet and lifestyle modifications can help manage symptoms effectively. Medical Treatments Medical treatments focus on addressing both physical and psychologic symptoms. Success varies from person to person and adjustment or trying a different class of medication can be beneficial. Antidepressants are effective in improving mood, reducing fatigue and food cravings and restoring normal sleep. Medications such as fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline (Zoloft) and paroxetine (Paxil) are first line choices for treating premenstrual syndrome. Oral contraceptives work by stopping ovulation and influencing hormone levels. This may help stabilize hormonal fluctuations and provide symptom relief. Depo-Provera is an injectable form of birth control and stops ovulation. Non-steroidal medications such as ibuprofen, Aleve and naproxen can provide effective pain relief. Most experts recommend starting NSAID therapy at the start of the period to ease cramping, back pain and breast pain. Home Remedies Lifestyle modifications are a beneficial component of management of PMS symptoms. Changing diet, sleep and exercise patterns can have a positive impact. Try eating smaller more frequent meals to avoid bloating and don't overeat. High salt foods contribute to swelling and should be avoided. Add a daily multivitamin and eat a diet high in natural foods such as fruits and vegetables. Excessive caffeine and alcohol can also worsen premenstrual symptoms. Exercise is important for overall health and longevity, but also provides relief of stress. Aim for 30 minutes of aerobic exercise at least 5 days a week. Exercise releases natural endorphins and elevates your mood. Ensure proper sleep and take time to relax during the day. Yoga, massage and stretching exercises are beneficial for stress relief. Supplements such as calcium, magnesium and vitamins B6 and E may ease PMS symptoms. Obtaining vitamins and minerals from natural foods are the best source, but consider adding supplements as an adjunct to ease PMS symptoms. Menstruation can start as early as 10 or 11 years of age. If menses start before that or have not occurred by age 16, a medical evaluation by a physician is required. Heavy and prolonged bleeding, severe pain, fever or bleeding between periods should prompt a medical evaluation. Tampons and feminine products can be associated with bacterial infections and if feeling sick after using these products, seek medical care immediately. Periods normally resume around 6 weeks after delivering a baby. If you have not had a period yet, seek evaluation. If no period for more than one month, seek evaluation from your doctor to assess if pregnant or experiencing other hormonal abnormality.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Zoos are crazy places. There are monkeys. There are lions. There are tigers. Snakes are also found at the zoo. You can walk around and watch how all of these animals work and interact with those of their own species and those of other animal species. Animal interaction is very different form human interaction. They have communication, but they don’t have language. They have food, but they don’t get it at stores. They do things for each other, but they don’t pay for them. One of the biggest differences in how humans interact and how animals interact is the fact that as humans we have prices. Prices, in an economy, determine worth and value for different products, services, and actions. And .coupons help us change the value of those goods, services and actions when we don’t value them as much as we used to. Animals don’t have prices. They don’t have currency. That means that they also don’t have .coupons. There is some satisfaction with making money and then saving it by using .coupons. Unfortunately, no animals get to experience that. The best time of the year to use coupons is Christmas. At Christmas, not only do you have to buy the standard things that you are buying during the year like food, housing, and car payments, but you also need to spend money on toys, cloths, sweets, and travel. The costs of Christmas can add up really quick. You have to control how much you spend; otherwise, it can get out of hand fast. If you struggle to control your spending around the holiday season, then you need to start involving another activity with your shopping: couponing. Couponing will help you cut your costs by getting you the best deals on the things that you are already going to buy. If you’re going to spend money on something, then you might as well save when you buy it. Travel & Coupons Travel can be a hard thing to save money on. Prices seem to fall within a standard range. After that, they never seem to deviate much. If you can’t seem to save money on travel, then you should save it once you arrive at the destination. It seems like there are an infinite amount of coupons for hotels, restaurants, and even shopping malls in different cities. You need to be searching in order to find these coupons and these deals when you are traveling. Deals Can Grow On Trees Deals aren’t like money in some ways. It is said that money doesn’t grow on trees. But there are times when it seems like .coupons do. Coupons can just fall form the sky like an apple falling from a tree. Coupons can get sent to you via email, the mail, or even handed out at stores as you walk in. However, if you want to get involved in the upper level of couponing, then you need to step up your game from being a gatherer to a hunter. Coupons save money at all times, and during all seasons. If you can’t beat it join it—join the .coupon movement today.Google doesn't always get it. Sometimes Google is spot on. But many times, the search engine that dominates the world just doesn't get it. Google misses what we want most. Our friends find many of the best websites. They stumble upon them and then they show them to us. Other times we stumble upon great websites ourselves. But when it comes to coupons, there is just way too much out there for Google or our friends to capture. And that's why just walked right in your front door. has the best of the best for almost any type of coupons that you want. It's a one-stop shop for the classic couponer. You see, covers all the main bases that anyone would have questions about. This is an awesome site that helps you to see and find the best extreme coupons you could ever want. Some sites require you to spend money for their coupons; however, with the process is easier than ever. Without having to pay cash, or other sorts of money, you too can get the coupons you’ve always wanted. Babies take a lot of time. Babies are really expensive. And babies take a lot of work. Catering to your baby’s needs is never a simple walk in the park. It's a climb up a steep mountain. But lucky for you, when it comes to dealing with the prices for products that babies need, has got your back. What's for dinner? Every mom hears this questions at least 20 times a day, most dads hear it at least five, and even grandma gets asked this question when she is in town. Meal planning can really be a pain. It's not simple knowing what to buy when you are on a budget and when you are cooking for kids. With you can cover this corner of your life most beautifully. If you love pizza, and you've got the craving, you can find coupons for pizza. If you're a carnivore that just can't avoid eating steak or chicken or pork, grab yourself some chicken and meat coupons. If you've got a craving for some soup on a cold rainy day, then you need to check out all the soup coupons. Google would make you do multiple searches for all this information. This site doesn't even make you do one. It's all right here with just a click of a button. You can participate in extreme couponing with extreme coupons, all at the click of a mouse. But once dinner is over what do you do? You eat dessert of course. Dessert coupons are usually hard to find. Today they aren't. The site helps you find the best of ice cream coupons, and it gives you exposure to candy coupons. If you're feeling healthy and you can't hack the ice cream, you can get yogurt coupons as well. Coupons are awesome. But don't go searching the entire World Wide Web to find them. Go to one place, and go to But once dinner is over what do you do? You eat dessert of course. Dessert coupons are usually hard to find. Today they aren't. The site helps you find the best of ice cream coupons, and it gives you exposure to candy coupons. If you're feeling healthy and you can't hack the ice cream, you can get yogurt coupons as well. Coupons are awesome. But don't go searching the entire World Wide Web to find them. Go to one place, and go to Promotional Codes Amazon is a great place to shop. They have all sorts of quality products and clothing, and the best part is you can get all your shopping done online. It saves you from the hassle of loading all the kids in the car and dragging them around for hours to get your needed shopping done. The only problem with Amazon is that it can be quite pricey, especially once you add in shipping charges. But, with Amazon promotional codes, this can be changed. Amazon promotional codes are coupon codes that can be used when shopping online with Amazon. By using these codes, you can receive great deals and promotions on a lot of your purchases. That way you can shop happily without worrying or stressing so much over the price. Your purchases become affordable and you stay relaxed. Rummaging through magazine or newspaper pages for coupons is a lot of trouble and can be quite annoying and time consuming. Amazon coupons aren’t often found in this way either. In fact, it’s very rare to come across an Amazon coupon. They just don’t offer deals in that way. Instead, Amazon promotional codes are used to give promotions and deals to their customers. These codes are Amazon’s own version of coupons, which can actually be seen as easier and better. All it takes is going online to find the codes, and then using the codes in your purchases. The price will decrease right before your eyes. But don't let the savings stop there! You can get other great deals with Coupon Bug and Coupon Clippers. Amazon is one of the best online shopping sites as their products are all very high quality. Now with Amazon promotional codes, it gives an even better reason for Amazon to be classified as one of the best. This top notch company offers these codes for your benefit. Shopping online with Amazon will now not only be more convenient, but will also be affordable. Don’t skip over Amazon promotional codes and miss out on this great opportunity to save big on your favorite online purchases. If you haven't heard about it yet, you will soon. It is spreading like a California wildfire after the Santa Anna winds. What is it, you might ask? It's the coupon bug. This bug isn't a disease. It's not a virus, and it surely isn't some weirdly named insect. Nope, it’s a website. It gives you real cash discounts on every day products. Have you ever gotten lost at a grocery store? There are a lot of aisles. There are a lot of products. Sometimes you walk down an aisle and you can forget why you even started walking down that path. The coupon bug can give you an assist so that this doesn't even happen. When you have coupons in hand for products that you want and need, then you don't get caught up in the colossal amount of products that grace the shelves of grocery stores. It's like having coupons when you go to the store gives you a map. You only go to the things you have coupons for making it easier to stay focused and harder to get lost. Browsing through the coupon bug website can be fun. The descriptions are pretty straightforward and you can see almost immediately how much money you can save because the amounts are bolded on every coupon. With the economy the way it is, saving money at the store has never been more important. Why pay full price for things? There really is no good reason. Keeping your wallet full and your fridge stocked should never be a problem once you know about the coupon bug. You don't want to go hungry, but you still want to have fun. These coupons help you do both. You'll always have the food you need but you'll also have more money in your wallet and that allows you to go out and spend it on other great things likes movies, sports, or even a tandem bike ride. But the coupon bug is about more than just saving some dollars at the grocery store. To discover more about that you need to check out their coupon codes. Coupon codes give you great deals at name brand stores, and we have other great deals, like coupon clippers and .coupons. Most men have a thing for electronics. There is just something about electronics that sucks them in. But just because you are sucked into a product doesn't mean that you should have to pay full price. These codes are great for specific items. The item you want to buy might not have a coupon code for it, but it could, and that's why you should check. The coupon codes for Best Buy just begin to scratch the surface. If you love cloths, then you need to check out the coupon codes for Kohl's or even our outlet coupons. If you love football or baseball, then you should check out the coupon codes for Under Armour gear. The stores listed for the coupon codes are great, but the deals are possibly better. When you first heard of the coupon bug, you probably had a few different thoughts. You probably thought that it was just for groceries, but as you can tell, it's for so much more. You should be warned though, if you go to the site, you might catch the bug too. But this bug is one that you want to catch, so don't put on any spray.There are families that pay full price, and then there are families that pay half price. What's the difference? Is it attitude? Is it patience in waiting for the right price? Or is it something more? In reality, it's a little of everything. Families that pay half price instead of paying full price have an attitude that is different from the full price payers. They value their money more. They don't spend money on frivolous things. They look at the prices before they buy. They are also patient. They might want something but they are willing to wait for it. They're not compulsive buyers. But they have the same urge to buy a pack of gum at the checkout stand too. They are willing to wait for what they want until it's cheap. Most of us buy without consideration to time or price, but not these people. The last element of their success in paying half price is Extreme Coupon. Extreme Coupon is what it sounds like: it's taking coupons to the max. Extreme Coupon gets you huge deals. They go way beyond the mini ones that most stores have. Good surfers are patient. They will sit in the sand for days. They wait for the waves. Then, when they know the waves are coming, they paddle out. They get ready. Then, when the right one comes, they ride it. These principles of surf apply equally to Extreme Couponing. It isn’t always there. Sometimes you have to wait days for it to come. But when it comes, you don't just go to the beach—you get in the water. Then you go to work, and you use it. Some people think that Extreme Coupon or couponing in general is weird. Don't be one of those people. Own it. Embrace it. Enjoy it. Granted, there are a few goofy couponers out there, but for the most part they are normal. Couponing isn't crazy. Is it weird to want to have more money? There are two ways that you can increase your bank account and have more money. The first is to increase your salary. Most people struggle with this because they don't own businesses where they have that control or they aren't paid based on performance. They are paid hourly. If you’re not paid by compensation and if you don’t own your own business, then the best way to increase the amount of money is something that is maybe even harder than increasing your income: decreasing your expenses. Decreasing your expenses takes discipline. It takes self-control. It truly takes power to give up what we want today for the things of tomorrow. When your strategy is to decrease expenses, you don’t have to go without. You just have to wait for the right time and the right price. Coupons come in waves. The wave of coupons you use today will get you certain types of products that the waves of tomorrow won’t get you. If you take the waves of today, you’ll be fine. You can also find other great deals if you use Amazon promotional codes to help save you money. Extreme Coupon isn’t an X-Games Sport, but it is real life. Look for these coupons. They’re out there. They make life most wonderful by keeping your wallet full and strong.