A 27 year old man with the writing ability of a 12 year old boy and the singing skills of T-Pain. He’s known for being a pedophile, a misogynist and outright repulsive. Has been accused of statutory more than once. He does not have any known ability, musical or otherwise, but young stupid girls seem to think his shitty hair skills and bad makeup is “inventive”. Is called creative, but only by 12 year old girls with shitty taste in musicThe most sexiest mother fucker on this damn here planeeet. He has a unique voice and siQ music. He has a great sense of style, you can tell from his hair, which is equivalent to SEX. He’s a sexy vampirate (vampire+pirate). Captain Lord Vanity, the baddest mother fucker ever. If you’re one of his haters, he’ll roundhouse kick you in the mouth and then fuck your mom. He’s the most sexiest, most amazing, most inspiring, MOST INCREDIBLY AWESOMELY DELICIOUSLY CREATIVE mother fucker ever! SO STICK THAT IN YOUR JUICE BOX, AND SUCK IT! This is the true legit meaning of Dahvie. He loves his fans will all his heart and would do anything for them! Don’t hate because he’s sexier than you and loves his fans more than anything. He is leader of the SGTC army, the SGTC army will FUCK YOU UP. Dahvie is the most incredible person in this universe, and if you disagree, I think you need to die. He’s amazing, damn straight. Him and BOTDF will fucking live on forever! ONE LOVE, ONE <3!. he is a singer of blood on the dance flooor, a electronica band started by scene idol dahvie vanity. they have released two cds and are not yet signed. they are known for their obscene pervertedness and catchy songs but are also the sex. used to consist of just dahvie vanity and chris but chris quit and they now have garrett ecstasy. not yet famous but are showing major signs of possible fame. they kinda well known in their general area that they live in at florida. very easily recognized with their girlyish singing and perverted lyrics.
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