Monday, November 25, 2013
Components of Urine
The exact breakdown of urine varies depending on the diet of the pee-maker. The more protein a person consumes, the more nitrogen will be excreted into the urine. Typical Western Diet pee has an NPK ratio of about 11-1-2. In comparison, blood meal is 12-2-1 and cottonseed meal is 7-2-2.
Urine also contains salt – sometimes quite a lot of it if you are hopped up on a diet of canned soup and french fries. Because of both the salt and high nitrogen levels, urine should generally be diluted 10:1 before use on garden crops. Greater dilution – 20:1 or more – is appropriate for more tender plants, seedlings and potted plants which are more susceptible to salt build up.
Keep in mind that areas with a lot of rain (Seattle!) tend to leach salts out of the soil, so salt build up is something gardeners in arid climates should be more concerned about.
Fresh pee can have a pH anywhere from 5 to 9 depending on a person’s diet, but it tends to move toward neutral as it ages and breaks down when applied outside. I would not personally worry too much about the variable pH of urine for garden use.
Safety Issues
In a healthy person, urine is sterile. In someone with decent hygiene and wiping technique, it should more-or-less stay that way as it leaves the body. Cross contamination with fecal matter (health risk!) can be a concern, so perfect your front-to-back TP technique if you are going to pee-cycle.
If you are on medication, don’t fertilize with your pee. If you have a UTI or other infection or – well, let’s just say anything funky going on in or around your pee-hole – your urine is not fit for garden use.
Grossness Issues
Assuming the safety issues are satisfactorily addressed, then the grossness issue is cultural programing and you should think about if it’s programming you want to keep in your brain. Most gardeners, after all, are pleased as punch to get ahold of a big load of cow poop for their garden, and that fertilizer has a far greater chance of spreading harmful pathogens than pee.
Here’s a few other things to think about:
“Urine accounts for only 1% of the total volume of wastewater, but it contains up to 80% of all the nutrients.”
-Science Daily
A typical toilet flusher wastes “up to 22 liters of drinkable water every day, one three- to six-liter flush at a time. What follows…is the long and costly process of sanitizing the water that was clean before you answered nature’s call. Using so much water per flush unnecessarily increases the volume of our waste and the cost of its transportation and treatment, ecologists say….The process also leaves a huge carbon footprint.”
-Time Magazine
Basically, the environmental and financial cost to piss in a bunch of drinking-quality water and then process it back into drinking water is huge. Separating urine from solid waste – through direct pee-cycling or urine-separating toilets – could go a long way to offset this cost by reducing the burden on wastewater treatment programs.
If the tree-hugger eco stuff doesn’t move you to action, consider the cost of a bag of blood meal. Now consider the cost of your pee. You will never find a more easy-to-acquire, cheaper source of fast acting nitrogen.
Basic courtesy is to not apply urine to those parts of the plant that will be consumed (i.e., as a foliar feed for spinach). Even so, if pee-cycled fertilizer on food crops just grosses you out, consider using this resource on fruit trees, perennials, and ornamental plantings, including your nitrogen-lovin’ lawn, instead.
5 Ways To Use Pee In The Garden
Okay, I’ve convinced you! You are ready to drop trou’ and add your liquid gold deposit to your garden. But how do you pee in the garden in the most effective way (and without getting arrested for indecent exposure in the process!)?
1. Compost Accelerator
Is your compost pile cold? A little long on carbon and low on nitrogen? Pee, poured or – ahem – directly deposited – on the pile can start to speed things up and add moisture. If you are nervous about using urine directly on your plants, incorporating urine into a compost pile is the way to go.
2. Dilution is The Solution
Dilute fresh urine at a 4:1 ratio and apply to the root-zone of corn every two weeks or as needed. (Some people say corn, being a grass, can handle fertilization with straight urine. Proceed with caution.)
Dilute fresh urine at a 10:1 ratio and apply to the root-zone of fruiting plants like tomatoes, peppers and eggplant, or to leafy crops like cabbage, broccoli, spinach and lettuce every two weeks or as needed.
Dilute fresh urine at a 20:1 ratio and water in to the root zone of seedlings and new transplants.
3. The Straw Bale Sprinkle
When Straw Bales are used for gardening, they must be “conditioned” or partially broken down / composted before use. This is accomplished with the addition of a very high nitrogen fertilizer. Guess which free, Bud Lite-hued high-nitrogen fertilizer I’d recommend?
4. Deep Mulch Direct Application
If you thickly mulch your woody perennials, cane fruit and fruit trees with a high-carbon material like leaves or woodchips, you can apply your urine straight onto the mulch, which will absorb and moderate the straight shot of nitrogen in your pee.
5. That Asparagus Smell!
If asparagus makes your pee smell funny, take revenge and pee on your asparagus! Nutrient hungry, deep rooted, perennial and salt-tolerant, asparagus might be the ideal crop to fertilize with pee. If you grow your asparagus under a thick layer of carbonaceous mulch, like straw or wood chips, use the Direct Mulch Direct Application technique, otherwise dilute 2:1 if your asparagus is in the sandy soil it prefers, or 4:1 in heavier soil. Apply throughout the growing season, along with a good source of potassium, like bone meal, in the early spring.
Pee-cycling Sexism
So Adam and Eve are standing in the Garden of Eden right after the Creation and God is handing out the last of the talents, qualities and features he has for each of them. He reaches into his bag and pulls out a slip of paper.
“Ability to Pee Standing Up,” booms God. “Okay, who wants this one?”
“Oh, pick me!” yells Adam, “Pick me! Peeing while standing up sounds like such a very male thing to do, God. I really think that one has to go to me. Sorry Eve, but I really think I need this one.”
God looks at Eve, who just shrugs. “Sure, if it’s that important to him, give Adam the peeing thing. I don’t really care.”
God hands Adam the slip of paper and says, “Forevermore, Adam, by your choice shall men be endowed with the ability to pee whilst standing.”
Adam grins and God reaches to the very bottom of his bag. “Just one more, and I guess since Adam got Peeing While Standing Up, this last one goes to you, eh, Eve? Let’s see…”
God unfolds his final slip of paper. “Okay, here you go Eve: Multiple Orgasms is all yours.”
It is a fact of life that men are better equipped to pee all over things. If you are a male gardener, combine your skills and start marking your veg territory with pride. The Deep Mulch Direct Application method will be simplest if you want to water directly from the hose, so to speak.
Ladies, I highly recommend you use Adam’s gift to all men to your advantage, too. Got a husband? Boyfriend? Better yet, a son or two? Give them carte blanche permission to pee on the compost pile. Direct that natural ability (and, dare I say, inclination) for outdoor pee marksmanship towards something good for your garden.
But don’t let the guys have all the fun. You’ll notice that most of the techniques for applying urine as a fertilizer call for dilution anyway, which means a watering can or container is going to be involved. Most women with regular access to lady-specific medical care have had plenty of practice peeing in cups – put that experience to use, for the good of your garden.
Do you already pee on the compost, or does the very idea of pee-cycling leave you pissed!?
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
jacey62 channel
jacey62 is the best youtube channel in the world they make there cosplay about naruto and other they really good at that and they love spenting time with friend and fans of there channel they love haveing challenge and they do what you say to the challenge too.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
The period is a woman's monthly bleeding cycle and is the body's way of shedding the uterine lining if pregnancy doesn't occur. Normal menstruation occurs monthly and lasts on average 3-7 days. Unpleasant symptoms generally accompany the vaginal bleeding associated with a menstrual period. The following list explains common symptoms.
Lower abdominal cramps are common and can be intense. The uterus is a large muscular organ and the process of shedding the uterine lining can result in dull pain or more sharp, intense and cramping pain. Some women are debilitated during the menses due to the severity of symptoms.
Breast Tenderness. The hormonal fluctuations result in breast swelling and tenderness. The breast tissue is highly sensitive to hormone levels and soreness is not uncommon.
Mood Swings. As the hormone levels surge prior to the period, many women experience mood changes including irritability, anxiety, anger and even crying episodes.
Acne. Teens and young women are prone to acne breakouts due to the rise and fall of hormones during the menstrual cycle.
Pain. A variety of pain syndromes are related to the menstrual cycle. Muscle pain and backaches are common. Some experience more frequent migraine headaches during their period.
Food Cravings. Craving to a variety of foods can occur during the premenstrual and menstrual phase. Some crave sweets and high calorie foods, while others crave salty foods and snacks.
Other Period Symptoms include excessive fatigue and lack of drive to accomplish even normal daily tasks. Some women with underlying psychiatric disorders experience an increase in symptoms during their menses.
Pelvic Pressure. This occurs due to the fullness of the uterus and also engorgement of the pelvic veins is believed to contribute to this sensation.
Water Retention. Hormonal shifts results in bloating and water retention. It is common to note swelling of the fingers and ankles.
Backache. The low back can feel achy and tired during menses. Muscle aches in general are also reported.
Headache and Fatigue. Migraines and other headache types frequently flare during migraines. Fatigue and malaise accompany premenstrual and menstrual periods.
Difficulty Concentrating. Cognitive disruption is common. Mood swings and difficulty focusing on tasks is part of the symptom complex associate with the menstrual cycle.
PMS is a constellation of unpleasant symptoms and can vary in severity from person to person.
Hormonal fluctuations are the main force in causing PMS symptoms. Diet and lifestyle also play a role. Obese women may be prone to more hormonal issues than younger healthy counterparts.
Physical symptoms. The physical symptoms that occur in the premenstrual time just before the onset of the menses can be very similar to those that occur during actual menstruation. It is reported that 75% of women experience physical symptoms such as breast tenderness, fatigue, abdominal and pelvic cramping, back pain and muscle aches. These symptoms tend to reach their peak during the 20-30's and then taper off with age. The physical symptoms tend to be predicable from month-to-month.
Emotional and Behavioral Symptoms. Depression, irritability, fatigue and poor concentration are common symptoms. A more severe form called premenstrual dysphoric disorder causes debilitation symptoms every month. Anger, anxiety and feelings of hopelessness are notable with this disorder. Some women will have a coexisting psychiatric disorder and seeking professional help is warranted.
A variety of options exist to treat the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. A combined approach of seeking medical advice, diet and lifestyle modifications can help manage symptoms effectively.
Medical Treatments
Medical treatments focus on addressing both physical and psychologic symptoms. Success varies from person to person and adjustment or trying a different class of medication can be beneficial.
Antidepressants are effective in improving mood, reducing fatigue and food cravings and restoring normal sleep. Medications such as fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline (Zoloft) and paroxetine (Paxil) are first line choices for treating premenstrual syndrome.
Oral contraceptives work by stopping ovulation and influencing hormone levels. This may help stabilize hormonal fluctuations and provide symptom relief. Depo-Provera is an injectable form of birth control and stops ovulation. Non-steroidal medications such as ibuprofen, Aleve and naproxen can provide effective pain relief. Most experts recommend starting NSAID therapy at the start of the period to ease cramping, back pain and breast pain.
Home Remedies
Lifestyle modifications are a beneficial component of management of PMS symptoms. Changing diet, sleep and exercise patterns can have a positive impact.
Try eating smaller more frequent meals to avoid bloating and don't overeat. High salt foods contribute to swelling and should be avoided. Add a daily multivitamin and eat a diet high in natural foods such as fruits and vegetables. Excessive caffeine and alcohol can also worsen premenstrual symptoms. Exercise is important for overall health and longevity, but also provides relief of stress. Aim for 30 minutes of aerobic exercise at least 5 days a week. Exercise releases natural endorphins and elevates your mood. Ensure proper sleep and take time to relax during the day. Yoga, massage and stretching exercises are beneficial for stress relief.
Supplements such as calcium, magnesium and vitamins B6 and E may ease PMS symptoms. Obtaining vitamins and minerals from natural foods are the best source, but consider adding supplements as an adjunct to ease PMS symptoms.
Menstruation can start as early as 10 or 11 years of age. If menses start before that or have not occurred by age 16, a medical evaluation by a physician is required. Heavy and prolonged bleeding, severe pain, fever or bleeding between periods should prompt a medical evaluation. Tampons and feminine products can be associated with bacterial infections and if feeling sick after using these products, seek medical care immediately. Periods normally resume around 6 weeks after delivering a baby. If you have not had a period yet, seek evaluation. If no period for more than one month, seek evaluation from your doctor to assess if pregnant or experiencing other hormonal abnormality.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Gastrointestinal bleeding or gastrointestinal hemorrhage describes every form of hemorrhage (loss of blood) in the gastrointestinal tract, from the pharynx to the rectum. It has diverse causes, and a medical history, as well as physical examination, generally distinguishes between the main forms. The degree of bleeding can range from nearly undetectable to acute, massive, life-threatening bleeding.
Initial emphasis is on resuscitation by infusion of intravenous fluids and blood transfusion. Treatment with proton pump inhibitors, octreotide, and antibiotics may be considered in certain cases. Upper endoscopy or colonoscopy are generally considered appropriate to identify the source of bleeding and carry out treatment.
Signs and symptoms[edit]
Gastrointestinal bleeding can range from microscopic bleeding, where the amount of blood is such that it can only be detected by laboratory testing, to massive bleeding where bright red blood is passed and hypovolemia and shock may develop. Blood that is digested may appear black rather than red, resulting in "coffee ground" vomitus or stool.[1]
Differential diagnosis[edit]
Gastrointestinal bleeding can be roughly divided into two clinical syndromes: upper gastrointestinal bleeding and lower gastrointestinal bleeding.[1] Types of causes include: infections, cancers, vascular disorders, adverse effects of medications, and blood clotting disorders.[1]
Upper gastrointestinal[edit]
Main article: Upper gastrointestinal bleeding
Upper gastrointestinal bleeding is from a source between the pharynx and the ligament of Treitz. An upper source is characterised by hematemesis (vomiting up blood) and melena (tarry stool containing altered blood). About half of cases are due to peptic ulcer disease.[2] Esophagitis and erosive disease is the next most common causes.[2] In those with liver cirrhosis 50–60% of bleeding is due to esophageal varices.[2] Approximately half of those with peptic ulcers have an H. pylori infection.[2] Other causes include: gastric or duodenal ulcers, Mallory-Weiss tears, cancer, and angiodysplasia.[1]
A number of medications are found to cause upper GI bleeds.[3] NSAIDs or COX-2 inhibitors increase the risk about fourfold.[3] SSRIs, corticosteroids, and anticoagulants may also increase the risk.[3] The risk with dabigatran is 30% greater than that with warfarin.[4]
Saturday, November 2, 2013
on halloween played a trick on north- central west virginia early friday. a fast moving storm roared in after midnight, leaving as many as 25,000 people without power across the region at its height. some people think it was a twister that night when storm came i was in bed when the storm hit around 4:00 am so i got up look out it was bad storm so went outside it was so so so so warm out there that a bad sign. the storm take neighbor jumping thing across are yard.
hi am christina i started doing ashley turner yoga about 3 time a days in octber 2013 i love it so much i feel better doing yoga all the time my pain went away afther start doing it, i love fllowing with ashley turner so easy understand with her i love her yoga video it call for stress relief and flexibility yoga she is a premiere yoga teachers in los angeles. her web is ( that is her page.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
How to grow peppermint and other mint again tips
1. Cut mint off
2. Pour luke warm water into a cup
3. Put mint that you cut off in the cup of water
4. Put it into sun light every day
5. It take a week or more for root start to grow
Then if root are long and really plant them into a pot and there is your guy mint and peppermint and other mint who are out there.
By: christina
Have any quit and answer fill free comment your sub to my youtube for more tip and stuff
Sunday, April 21, 2013
this acorn squash produces fruits 5 1/2 inches by 4 inches, uniformly ridged and grooved. flesh is yellow and tender with good flavor. when start grow it what state you in you like morgantown wv in april to june how many days to harvest is 75-90 days to harvest, germinate take to 10-14 days show up in germinate. have any quits plz leave a comment.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
BRIE PALMER SINGING Don't Want To Miss A Thing Cover
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
they are called caribes. They are known for their sharp teeth and a voracious appetite for meat.Piranhas belong to the subfamily Serrasalminae, which includes closely related omnivorous[3] fish such as pacus.[4] Traditionally, only the four genera Pristobrycon, Pygocentrus, Pygopristis and Serrasalmus are considered to be true piranhas, due to their specialized teeth. However, a recent analysis showed that, if the piranha group is to be monophyletic, it should be restricted to Serrasalmus, Pygocentrus and part of Pristobrycon, or expanded to include these taxa plus Pygopristis, Catoprion, and Pristobrycon striolatus. Pygopristis was found to be more closely related to Catoprion than the other three piranha genera.[4]
The total number of piranha species is unknown and contested, and new species continue to be described. Estimates range from fewer than 30 to more than 60.[4]
Piranhas are found in the Amazon basin, in the Orinoco, in rivers of the Guyanas, in the Paraguay-Paraná, and the São Francisco River systems. Some species of piranha have broad geographic ranges, occurring in more than one of the major basins mentioned above, whereas others appear to have more limited distributions.[4]
Aquarium piranhas have been introduced into parts of the United States, with specimens occasionally found in the Potomac River, Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri and even as far north as Lake Winnebago in Wisconsin, although they typically do not survive cold winters.[5] Two girls fishing in a pond on Staten Island, New York City, caught a red-bellied piranha.[6] Piranhas have also been discovered in the Kaptai Lake in southeast Bangladesh. Research is being carried out to establish how piranhas have moved to such distant corners of the world from their original habitat. Some rogue exotic fish traders are thought to have released them in the lake to avoid being caught by anti-poaching forces. Piranhas were also spotted in the Lijiang River in China.[7]
[edit] Description
Piranhas are normally about 14 to 26 cm long (5.5 to 10.25 inches), although some specimens have been reported to be up to 43 cm (17.0 inches) in length.[8]
Serrasalmus, Pristobrycon, Pygocentrus and Pygopristis are most easily recognized by their unique dentition. All piranhas have a single row of sharp teeth in both jaws; the teeth are tightly packed and interlocking (via small cusps) and are used for rapid puncture and shearing. Individual teeth are typically broadly triangular, pointed and blade-like (flat in profile). There is minor variation in the number of cusps; in most species, the teeth are tricuspid with a larger middle cusp which makes the individual teeth appear markedly triangular. The exception is Pygopristis, which has pentacuspid teeth and a middle cusp usually only slightly larger than the other cusps. In the scale-eating Catoprion, the shape of their teeth is markedly different and the premaxillary teeth are in two rows, as in most other serrasalmines.[4]
Wolf spiders are members of the family Lycosidae, from the Ancient Greek word "λύκος" meaning "wolf". They are robust and agile hunters with excellent eyesight. They live mostly solitary lives and hunt alone. Some are opportunistic hunters pouncing upon prey as they find it or even chasing it over short distances. Some will wait for passing prey in or near the mouth of a burrow.
Wolf spiders resemble Nursery web spiders (family Pisauridae), but wolf spiders carry their egg sacs by attaching them to their spinnerets (Pisauridae carry their egg sacs with their chelicerae and pedipalps). Two of the Wolf spider's eight eyes are large and prominent, which distinguishes them from the Nursery web spiders whose eyes are all of approximately equal size. This can also help distinguish them from grass spider. There are many genera of wolf spider, ranging in body size from less than 1 to 30 millimetres (0.04 to 1.18 in).[1] They have eight eyes arranged in three rows. The bottom row consists of four small eyes, the middle row has two very large eyes (which distinguishes them from the Pisauridae), and the top row has two medium-sized eyes. They depend on their excellent eyesight to hunt. They also possess an acute sense of touch,
Wolf spiders are capable of defensive bites, and some South American species may give bites that are medically significant. Nevertheless, the presence of wolf spiders is considered favorable to some because they consume undesirable arachnids.[2]
Wolf spiders will inject venom freely if continually provoked. Symptoms of their venomous bite include swelling, mild pain and itching. In the past, necrotic bites have been attributed to some South American species, but further investigation has indicated that those problems that did occur were probably actually due to bites by members of other genera.[3] Australian wolf spiders have also been associated with necrotic wounds, but careful study has likewise shown them not to produce such results.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Tobacco is a product processed from the dried leaves of plants in the genus Nicotiana. It can be used as a pesticide, and extracts form ingredients of some medicines,[1] but is most commonly consumed as a drug. Tobacco is a name for any plant of the genus Nicotiana of the Solanaceae family (nightshade family) and for the product manufactured from the leaf used in cigars and cigarettes, snuff, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, and flavored shisha. Tobacco plants are also used in plant bioengineering, and some of the more than 70 species are grown as ornamentals. The chief commercial species, N. tabacum, is believed native to tropical America, like most nicotiana plants, but has been so long cultivated that it is no longer known in the wild. N. rustica, a species producing fast-burning leaves, was the tobacco originally raised in Virginia, but it is now grown chiefly in Turkey, India, and Russia. The addictive alkaloid nicotine is popularly
considered the most characteristic constituent of tobacco but the harmful effects of tobacco consumption can also derive from the thousands of different compounds generated in the smoke, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (such as benzopyrene), formaldehyde, cadmium, nickel, arsenic, tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs), phenols, and many others.[2]
Thursday, February 28, 2013
BLOOD ON THE DANCE FLOOR HAVE NEW SINGLE THAT COMEING OUT IN SEPTEMBER SOMETIME THE NEW ALBUM CALL BAD BLOOD,'' THERE VIDEO BE OUT IN JANUARY 7TH 2013, Blood On The Dance Floor is an electronica group that formed in 2006, In Orlando Florida. The group’s original line up is Dahvie Vanity & Jayy Von Monroe. Together they have sold over a half a million mp3’s and continue to dominate the electronica world today. The game changers remain currently unsigned and have the reputation as the people’s band with there ever expanding legion of fans known as the “Slash Gash Terror Crew!” Believers of Peace, Love, Unity & Respect. BOTDF is one act that will scar your mind. Love is the message, Division is not. Enjoy the music. JAYY VON MONROE DON'T THINK THEY ARE NOT GOING TO WARPED TOUR FOR 2013 IT JUST TO HARD.
dahvie vanity
A 27 year old man with the writing ability of a 12 year old boy and the singing skills of T-Pain. He’s known for being a pedophile, a misogynist and outright repulsive. Has been accused of statutory more than once. He does not have any known ability, musical or otherwise, but young stupid girls seem to think his shitty hair skills and bad makeup is “inventive”. Is called creative, but only by 12 year old girls with shitty taste in musicThe most sexiest mother fucker on this damn here planeeet. He has a unique voice and siQ music. He has a great sense of style, you can tell from his hair, which is equivalent to SEX. He’s a sexy vampirate (vampire+pirate). Captain Lord Vanity, the baddest mother fucker ever. If you’re one of his haters, he’ll roundhouse kick you in the mouth and then fuck your mom. He’s the most sexiest, most amazing, most inspiring, MOST INCREDIBLY AWESOMELY DELICIOUSLY CREATIVE mother fucker ever! SO STICK THAT IN YOUR JUICE BOX, AND SUCK IT! This is the true legit meaning of Dahvie. He loves his fans will all his heart and would do anything for them! Don’t hate because he’s sexier than you and loves his fans more than anything. He is leader of the SGTC army, the SGTC army will FUCK YOU UP. Dahvie is the most incredible person in this universe, and if you disagree, I think you need to die. He’s amazing, damn straight. Him and BOTDF will fucking live on forever! ONE LOVE, ONE <3!. he is a singer of blood on the dance flooor, a electronica band started by scene idol dahvie vanity. they have released two cds and are not yet signed. they are known for their obscene pervertedness and catchy songs but are also the sex. used to consist of just dahvie vanity and chris but chris quit and they now have garrett ecstasy. not yet famous but are showing major signs of possible fame. they kinda well known in their general area that they live in at florida. very easily recognized with their girlyish singing and perverted lyrics.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Big max is a large variety of squash that can weight up to 100 pounds and 20 in(510mm). and also can grow up to 300 pounds too, pumpkin is a fruit they are round to slighty flattened. The seeds will emerge up to five to ten days, the germination will take to 14 days, plant them depth of 1 to 3cm(o.39to1.2in), and spaced them to 3 to8cm(1.2to3.1cm) apart make sure make a hills too when you plant the seed . big max pumpkin started in up state new York.And make sure given them a lot of fertilizer and a lot of space to grow.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Ready In Time 2 hours, 20 minutes
Yield: 64 Servings
20 10 30
•2 cups (12 oz. pkg.) semi-sweet chocolate chips
•1 (14 oz.) can Eagle Brand® Sweetened Condensed Milk, divided
•2 tsps. vanilla extract
•6 oz. white confectioners' coating* or 1 cup (6 oz.) premium white chocolate chips
•1 tbsp. peppermint extract
•Green or red food coloring (optional)
•Line 8- or 9-inch square pan with wax paper.
• Melt chocolate chips with 1 cup sweetened condensed milk in heavy saucepan over low heat; add vanilla. Spread half the mixture into prepared pan; chill 10 minutes or until firm. Hold remaining chocolate mixture at room temperature.
• Melt white confectioners' coating with remaining sweetened condensed milk in heavy saucepan over low heat (mixture will be thick). Add peppermint extract and food coloring, if desired. Spread on chilled chocolate layer; chill an additional 10 minutes or until firm.
• Spread reserved chocolate mixture on mint layer. Chill 2 hours or until firm. Remove from pan by lifting edges of wax paper; peel off paper. Cut into squares. Yield: About 1 3/4 pounds.
TIP *Confectioners' coating can be purchased in candy specialty store
Friday, February 15, 2013
1.In heavy saucepan, over low heat, melt chocolate chips with 1 cup sweetened condensed milk; add vanilla. Spread half the mixture into wax-paper-lined 8- or 9-inch square pan; chill 10 minutes or until firm. Hold remaining chocolate mixture at room temperature.
2.In heavy saucepan, over low heat, melt white confectioners coating with remaining sweetened condensed milk (mixture will be thick). Add peppermint extract and food coloring (optional).
3.Spread on chilled chocolate layer; chill 10 minutes longer or until firm.
4.Spread reserved chocolate mixture on mint layer. Chill 2 hours or until firm. Turn onto cutting board; peel off paper and cut into squares. Store leftovers covered in refrigerator.
Change Servings
2 cupssemi-sweet chocolate chips
1 (14 ounce) canEAGLE BRAND® Sweetened Condensed Milk, divided
2 teaspoonsvanilla extract
6 ounceswhite confectioners coating* or premium white chocolate chips
1 tablespoonpeppermint extract
Green or red food coloring (optional)
well how to grow spearmint will the best time grow is in may and june were you live at, you need start them indoor 8-10 week before outside and after frost. and you have to keep them moist seeding emerge 7-14 days, transplant to individual containers when seedlings have at least two pairs of leaves, after last frost set our in garden, spacing 18'' apart. there height is 24'' and they need alot of sun you can flavoring in to tea and vegetables. if you guy didn't known spearmint is a herb, make sure you make a hill then put plant in the soil.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Monday, February 11, 2013
bryanstars is a nice man who love to interviews with band and big fan of black veil brides and other band too, and love to make time out showing his twitter fans all the love he give out to people and other band like black veil brides, blood on the dance floor, and all so show love to his youtube fans right back at them he love to have good time with band and people showing the love around the world. he love to go places with late night reading band he have a good time with them and some of his fans be there too, and he love to be friend with jayy von monroe from blood on the dance floor and all so great friend with andy from black veil brides. he 22 year old love drinking with girl!
friendship hill was home to albert gallation and his first wife sophia, workers and people are claim to heard albert first wife walking around upstair in one of the room on 3rd floor were no one not allowed but funny thing they got married in may 1789, but she died in october of 1789 too it just to wear someone have die in 5 months afther there married. there grave are some were on the property.
Friday, February 8, 2013
my blog of jayy von monroe
jayy von monroe is a nice guy and well shy man he love to sing on the blood on the dance floor and love to right song and love gothic stuff like cloth, and boots, he is a single man love hit on man and older man all of his fan love him so much. jayy is alone 21 year old his born day in january some date and he nice man to talk to give him a chance. i love you blood on the dance floor!
how to kill big green caterpillars in garden
every one say that they have big caterpillar eating there tomate up well i have a new tip for you will my mom dad told her to put the caterpillar in a bottle of gas because what happen is bottle of gas will kill the caterpillar, my mom dad is one of the old timer gardener forevery he garden when is was little boy with his dad and mom now it pass on to his grandkid now all of garden tip and flowers too.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
the sims 3 pregnant challenge
oh k this how it go down you have to create a girl sims or a boy sims in the sims game for do the challenge. challenge is you have get her or him to get 15 kids by differement people on the game to win the challenge with out geting married oh k, if you dont have this game go get it because it is every fun to play it just like us in life have to work, pay bills, have a family and die from old age and stuff. that why sims 3 the bigest game around the world because people just like it you can have pets on there like dogs,cats,horse,birds,fish. if you have any question to ask down were comment place at and i will answer you back if i can oh k here is a pic of the sims 3 base game started out first thing
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